Somali children face many challenges in pursuit of education. Some of these include poverty, overcrowded classes, security and inequitable access to education. Covid-19 has further exposed and increased the vulnerability of the Somali Children.

To help mitigate the adverse effects of Covid-19, HIRDA Somali has been integrating Covid-19 resilience activities through ongoing education programmes to ensure safety in Schools in Jubaland.

HIRDA Somali is committed in creating a learning environment where children can continue their education safely, despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

Hirda Somali has far so reached 56 schools in the region distributing;

  • Hand Sanitizer with more than 60% Alcohol
  • Bottles of Liquid Soap
  • Hand Wash Foot Operated machines to dispense water and soap separately
  • Provided water tucking for Schools in Jubaland. This guaranteed there was hand Washing water in the 56 schools for 6 Months