• HIRDA in collaboration with representative from the Ministry of Health of Jubbaland State of Somalia conducted Project Launch meeting in Belethawa, involving all relevant project stakeholders including state government authorities like, representatives from Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Education (MoE), District Commissioner, District Humanitarian coordinator, Health and WASH partners, Women and Youth groups to inform and outline the project activities, objectives and the funding Agency. The government and the community representatives at large have welcomed and endorsed the project and their funding agency. The promised their support throughout the project implementation period.
  • HIRDA immediately begun the implementation of the project since there is fear of outbreak of corona-virus pandemic which has caused havoc across the world. We have realized that most our people do not understand the risks of this killer disease so we have conducted 6 awareness sessions on COVID-19in Belethawa district targeting beneficiaries at Waberi MCH and Gawido Health post where large gatherings of beneficiaries who are queuing for nutrition supplements such as (MCHN, TSFP and BSFP). Wehave mobilized and sensitize the message of hand washing (critical times of hand washing), household hygiene and drinking of clean and safe among others. We managed to reach 215 people (167 women, 48male)
  • We have also had hygiene promotion in 3 different schools in Belethawa district that is Beledamin Primary school, Gawido primary school and Waberi Primary School where we sensitize and emphasize critical hand washing in school going children (hand washing after using the toilet, washing of hands before and after eating food, regular taking bath and cleaning of school uniforms). We have reached 85 school going children (63 girls and 22 boys), there was lower turnout since the schools are closed and learning has been suspended due to fear of corona-virus pandemic
  • We have also informed the people through the awareness campaign the importance of strictly following the guidelines of the ministry of health in conjunctions with WHO and UNICEF on COVID-19 prevention methods which includes: proper hand washing with sanitizers or soap, social distancing, covering a cough or sneeze with a flexed elbow, common symptoms; (fever, dry cough, sneeze, shortness of breath) and if anyone show such symptoms to self-isolate him/herself and stay at home and inform nearest health facility for other necessary actions.
  • We have also planned to continue the awareness campaign on hygiene promotion through the target areas of the project during this try moment on COVID-19 pandemic