HIRDA’s activities are overseen by a board that has a wealth of professional experience. This board’s networks and knowledge of the Horn of Africa context are also vital in ensuring HIRDA’s successful pursuit of its strategic objectives, and its retention of its status as a neutral organisation inside of difficult political contexts. HIRDA’s board has helped to grow the organisation, in particular by cultivating long-standing relationships of trust with beneficiary communities.
HIRDA staff are drawn from across the professions and present local knowledge and an infusion of outside expertise. They have many years experience working in the development and humanitarian sectors. Through capacity development activities in the communities in which it intervenes, HIRDA has cultivated a list of embedded grassroots staff who play a vital role in both advocacy and some aspects of project implementation. HIRDA Africa’s Executive Director has been a central part of the organisation’s growth across the Horn, guiding a growing staff as the organisation takes on more complex tasks in a high-risk and constantly changing socio-political context.
HIRDA Somalia Board Members
Chairman Eng. : Abdullahi Sirad kilwe
Treasury : Hussein Abdi
Programme Coordinator : Fatuma Ali Abdi
Board member : Hassan Abdullahi Diriye